Jun 1, 2021
Our heroes go toe to fin with one of the most dangerous creatures of the North - the mighty Hval. Hey, it's D&D, about time we fought a real frigging monster!
Check us out online at www.nastygrampod.com Find us on facebook at www.facebook.com/nastygram Find us on facebook at www.facebook.com/nastygram and we are @nastygramrpg on both Instagram and Twitter. Dig into LSG Media at www.libertystreetgeek.net
We are lucky to have awesome music on our pod! More about A Wilhelm Scream here https://www.awilhelmscream.com/ Creepin Cadavers at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCyQQnBSa1XqYY4huOfcDSiA and composer Adrian von Ziegler at https://adrianvonziegler.bandcamp.com/album/the-complete-discography